How to search - Come sercar so 'l gaƚepin online

Allow the pages to work properly.
Do not use the "reload" button.
Do not open pages outside of their frames.
Use the provided links on top of each page: "Serca da novo/New search" or "Home" to perform a new search in another language or for a taxon.

Clicking on the link "Serca de novo/New search" on top of the detail page you will get to the home page and reset the search criteria

 Serca de novo / New search
El Galepin



Tip: you can search with or without accents


Searching a word or phrase that "begins with..."

petenàr, petenàre, petenàrse

destacà, destacàr, destacàre, destacàrse, destagiàr, destàgio, destagnàrse, destanàr, destavelàr, destegiàr, destegolàr ...


Note: the on line free edition contains a few examples for phrase, literature, etimology. Usually you can find nothing but translation, area codes and grammar position.


Searching for a taxon (genus and species) "contains..."

"Anas platyrhynchos":

madhurìn (Anas platyrhynchos)
madorìn (Anas platyrhynchos)
maxorìn (Anas platyrhynchos)

You can copy/paste an entire taxon to find all venet translations for that (and only that) particular species

Area de serca
Area de serca
Rexultado de ƚa serca "Anas domestica":


Trick: like to find all taxons that begins with A, E, M, S or wathever You want (as in previous picture)?
   : Search for "(A"

Or You can search for a genus name and find all the species that have a venet translation



Search in taxon field works with "contains" method.

axià (Squalus acanthias)
caécia (Squalus plumbeus)
cagnèa (Squalus carcharias)
cagnìa (Squalus carcharias - Carcharodon carcharias)
can bianco (Squalus carcharias - Carcharodon carcharias)
gata de asprèo (Scyliorhinus canicula - Squalus canicula)
gata nostràna (Scyliorhinus canicula - Squalus catulus)
gatasciàva (Scyliorhinus canicula - Squalus canicula)





"el Galepin"- Venetian - English - Italian
Venetian language - ID: vec - Code 639-3

